Ideas for Certificate Quotes & Sayings...
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; We borrow it from our children.” -Native American Proverb
In Honor of or In Celebration of:
- A living gift for you for generations to come.
- A gift for you to live on for generations.
- May the essence of this tree planted for you illuminate your heart.
- A personʻs true wealth is the good one does in the world. Mohammed
- Hele mai ho’ohiwahiwa. To honor.
- Nau wale no. Just for you.
- May your love and happiness bloom and grow with strong roots.
- E Hoʻomau Maua Kealoha. May our love last forever.
- E Mau Loa Kou Aloha. May your love last forever.
- Aloha mākou iā ʻoe. With all our love.
In Memory of:
- Thoughts of comfort, peace and love
- Forever in our hearts
- Your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart
- A living monument for a life memorialized by love
- Your life was a blessing; your memory a treasure
General Wishes for a Healthy Earth, Reforestation, Sustainability:
- This tree planted is an act of loe to benefit future generations and our earth.
- Tree of love, grow and flourish.
- If you wish to be happy for a year, plant a garden. If you wish to be happy for a lifetime, plant a tree. -Jim Morris
- Those who love and appreciate trees and flowers–their grace and beauty, have hearts equally as beautiful. -Mokichi Okada
Hawaiian ʻŌlelo Noʻeau
- Mohala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua. Unfolded by the water are the faces of the flower.
- Kuʻu Lei. My Beloved.
- He milo ka lā‘au, mimilo ke aloha. Milo is the plant; love goes round and round. (Said of the milo tree whose leaves, blossoms, or seeds were used by kahuna who practiced “hana aloha” or love spells.)
- E ola koa. Live like a koa tree. Live a long time, like a koa tree in the forest.
- Ka Lā Hiki Ola. The dawning of a new day.
- Hahai no ka ua i ka ululāʻau. Rains always follow the forest.
- E hōʻihi aku, e hōʻihi mai. Ke ola koa. (Show respect; get respect. Live long like a koa tree.)
- Ke aloha ‘āina. The love of the land.
- He keiki aloha na mea kanu. Beloved children are the plants. (Pukui, 1983)
- E mālama ʻāina! Take care of the land.
- Aloha nui loa. All my love.
- Hoʻomaikaiʻana. Congratulations.
- Hoʻomau. Never give up.