Mahalo Eco Rotary & HI Pyro!
Sparks flew as the Hawaii Pyrotechnics team planted native Hawaiian trees on the steep hilly Laiʻe hillside at Gunstock Ranch. Together, with Eco Rotary of Kakaʻako, they planted, fertilized, mulched, and staked 158 trees in 2 hours.
HI Pyro has been delighting residents and visitors with their spectacular firework display at Hilton Hawaiian Village every Friday night since 1988. They continue to give back to our community and mālama ʻāina for tour keiki and Hawaiʻi.
Mother's Day, graduations, and pouring rain on the windward coast didn't stop Eco Rotary of Kakaʻako from driving out to the north shore to plant 158 native Hawaiian trees over the weekend. The team from Hawaii Pyrotechnics came out to kokua which was greatly appreciated. Mahalo for the continuous commitment from Eco Rotary who take action with the Rotary's 7th Pillar that promotes ecological sustainability and the conservation and protection of natural resources.

Eco Rotary of Kaka’ako and HI Pyro volunteered with Hawaiian Legacy in the Legacy Forest at La’ie at Gunstock Ranch on May 13, 2023. Mahalo for your hard work!
#EcoRotaryofKakaako #rotary #FridayNightFireworks #HawaiiPyro