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Halepuna Waikiki by Halekulani is P

lanting Trees for Hawai‘



Halepuna Waikiki by Halekulani Partners with Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative to Plant, Maintain, and Support the Hawaiian Legacy Forest

 Halepuna Waikiki, the premier luxury boutique hotel in the heart of Waikiki, announces its partnership with Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative (HLRI), a Hawaii-based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to restore the biodiversity and integrity of Hawaii’s endemic forests.

“Halepuna Waikiki is honored to support HLRI’s reforestation mission,” said Jay Kitashima, Director of Operations.  “Planting one tree can offset a weeklong vacation for a family of four.  Our guests are welcome to plant their own tree in the Halepuna Forest to help return our forests to native landscapes”

In addition to guests being able to physically plant a tree, proceeds from each purchase made on Halepuna’s online shop will go towards this mission.

From our “House of Welcoming Waters” to the uplands of our Hawaiian forests, we welcome you to experience and be rooted in our commitment for sustainability on our island.

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Contact the hotel concierge to book a tree planting tour!